

Feb 19 - Mar 20

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Horse is the seventh Chinese zodiac sign. 2026 will be the year of the Horse. People belonging to the Chinese zodiac Horse are said to be inspired, cheerful, talented, perceptive, intelligent and popular in their social circle. Horse natives are social beings who usually love to take the centre stage and impress others with their wit. They like leaving an impression on people that they are full of energy and thus helpful. The horse zodiac also entertains a great sense of humour.

The qualities of the Horse zodiac can become their weakness too. Owing to their penchant to occupy the centre stage, they sometimes could get self-centred. Horses are usually very cunning and use that quality of them to manipulate the surroundings. The overambitious and overconfident nature can lead to their destruction if not reined.

The Horse horoscope tells us how the great sense of humour of the Horse natives helps them find love easily. Even if you are the shyest person in the room, the Horse zodiac native will ensure you feel safe around them and open up. Due to their experience of socialising with people, the Horse natives are mostly aware of what you might be thinking and thus respond based on what they think you are thinking and not based on what you tell them.

If it excites you, Emma Watson and Jackie Chan belong to the Horse zodiac as per Chinese astrology.

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